Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thing 35 Books 2.0

The Books 2.0 was kind of overwhelming because there was just so much to do and so many choices. I am a reader and belong to a book club so I saw a lot of sites that my club members would be interested in--many of the members find an author they like and then go back and buy all his/her books so the places to get more books cheaply are interesting. The readers advisory sites will be helpful because we are always looking for new authors. Online discussion groups look interesting and I might use those to decide what to read also.

I investigated ITrackmine to organize a dvd collection. It seems to work better for dvds than LibraryThing and also offers a loan function that I could use to keep track of who might have borrowed from me.

I am interested in electronic books and downloaded a podiobook that I hope to put on my Itouch and see if I like that. People continue to read actual books in our library, because sometimes you just want the low-tech page turning experience. Our library has a number of electronic online books and have also bought some electronic devices called playaways, preloaded digital players. The user just plugs headphones into the device and presses play.

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