Monday, June 8, 2009

Thing 29 Google Tools

I was experimenting with SearchWiki and was about to add a comment when I was warned that it would be a public comment linked to my Gmail username and I did not want to do that. I had thought that the comments would just be for my own use, so I probably won't do that. I would be interested in reading other people's comments, in moving the results around, and removing results that I didn't find relevant. The person who wrote the article against SearchWiki wonders why Google made it and thinks they just want to see what they can find out from it. His example shows an entry with many comments which end up taking a lot of room and many have limited usefulness. I guess it would depend on what kind of thing I was searching. I read a bunch of the comments about SearchWiki and agree with the ones who say there should be the option of keeping your comments private.

I looked at Goog-411 and think that would be pretty useful, especially since it seems everyone has a cell phone these days and use it them for everything. I read over the information on creating a Google website and it would be extremely simple and Google hosts it free. I feel like I have enough of a web presence, so I did not make one. I have used the Google toolbar for sometime and have used but uninstalled the Google desktop because I have Microsoft's desktop search. I would be reluctant to put my health information on the web, so I would not use the Google Health function. The web knows enough about us the way it is!

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